Sunday, June 21, 2009

6.21.09 Fathers day lunch at Lindzey's grandpa's house

Rhodi Fest 5.21.09

A day trip to Florence for the Rhodi Fest 5.17.09. The kids were Amazing and the dogs were great too. By the end of the day the kids were wore out.

Landen was so tired that he fell asleep while eating his chicken nugget. If you have ever meet Landen you know he takes eating serious. lol

Momma and her little boy

Terah and Lindzey

looks like they are having lots of fun
Can you say wind blown hair

The little Princess
Prince Charming
This is going on there wedding invatation. lol

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Playing with Lindzey at Coiner Park 5.23.09

A day at the Park with Landen and Lindzey